> now i am getting very, very annoyed.  with all the talk about how stable
> etc. debian is then i try it and all the claims are invalid.  first with
> the default everything on X etc. mozilla comes up with errors (actually
> they are X errors, like "error invalid ButtonX call" etc. you get the

Debian is stable.  Mozilla isn't, it will crash.  It isn't finished yet.
But here is the difference from real unstable
systems such as windows:  Mozilla won't take other programs
with it when it dies!  It won't kill your machine at all,
no matter how many times you crash it!  You can crash
mozilla a hundred times and your other programs will still
be running.

No os will run a unfinished app in a stable way, but a stable os should
not get in trouble just because some half-finished program does
its worst.  So, debian is stable.  You don't have to reboot just because
the machine has been running two weeks (or years) continuously.
It won't degrade with time, it won't fall over from running
a pile of big programs.

There is a netscape 4.5 compiled for libc6.  Get that instead of
mozilla.  It works much better, although it will die
occationally.  You just restart it in such cases, it doesn't happen 
often enough to be annoying.

Helge Hafting

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