>       Suppose you have a Debian Gnu/Linux system set up and fully loaded with
> applications.  A new user appears who is going to use the system. The
> new user is a unix novice. He/she knows enough basic commands to get
> by.  
> Is there a simple way for that user to find every available application
> on the system, what the application does, and how to use it? 

To get an idea of what could be available, the debian web pages provide
nice descriptions of the packages.

To see what is installed on your system, just type

$ dpkg -l | less

Now if some short description seems interesting, try

$ dpkg --print-avail <package name>

Next action would be to see what is in /usr/doc/<package name>, and to
try man and info pages.

None of this seems very hard to me.  I agree it should be advertised


A very concise way of finding out what commands are available to you in
bash, is typing <TAB> twice, and then `y'.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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