Anyone know anything about the Cobalt Qube.  I have someone asking
me questions about setting up a Linux environment for himself (diskless,
fanless box, remember ?).  He specifically asked me about the Qube.

        There are a couple of things that I can't answer on my own.  The
specs on the web say it is tuned as a web server.  I wonder 

        a) if that would have serious consequences if it's prime use was
general purpose, rather than web serving;
        b) how easy it would be to put other apps and servers on the box for
general purpose use.

        I'm also wondering about mixing architechtures.  This guy wants to
sit in front of a quiet diskless box at his desk (not entirely solved yet)
that runs all apps across the net from another box (the Qube, maybe) sitting
in another room.  If you have a ix86 diskless box on the desk, is it going
to be able to run apps served from a RISC port of Linux ?  Could one put x86
binaries onto the RISC harddrive and have them served to the diskless box ?

        Thanks alot everyone.


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