You could run /usr/sbin/switchdm to change your default display manager.

Regarding the xdm start-up scripts: you will find them in your /etc/rc#.d/
directories.  The easiest way to disable it from boot-up is to run:

update-rc.d -f xdm remove

Check the man pages on update-rc.d though, before you run that... just so
you see what it will do and how it works.

----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Scharrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 11:00 PM
Subject: XDM to KDM

> I want to stop running xdm and run kdm instead, but I cannot figure out
> how to do it. I also hope there is a simple way to switch back if I do
> not like KDE.
> I am running Debian 2.1. I searched the archives and there are many
> mentions of commenting out xdm-start in /etc/X11/config. However, I do
> not have that file on my system. I read in one response that there is
> no /etc/X11/config file in slink. The file /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options was
> referenced for slink. I cannot find any xdm-start in xdm.options or
> anywhere (I did a grep xdm-start * in /etc/X11 and /etc/X11/xdm with no
> hits. I also did a grep for start-xdm). I seem to remember finding
> something like that when I
> got xdm up in the first place though. My xdm.options file is below.
> # /etc/X11/xdm.options
> #
> # configuration options for xdm
> # See xdm.options(5) for an explanation of the available options.
> check-local-xserver
> no-ignore-nologin
> no-restart-on-upgrade
> run-xconsole
> use-sessreg
> Thanks for your help.
> Greg Scharrer
> --
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