On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Daryl Williams wrote:

> folks,
> i am building a new firewall machine and in the process
> discovered that courteny is no longer available as a debian
> package? can someone verify this, or did i miss something?
> also am looking for recommendations on  intrusion detection
> software, if y'all know of any...

I just took a look at the package, it's still in the 'hamm' archives.
The problem appears to be the license. In fact, there is no license at
all. In the file 'DISCLAIMER', it says:

# Copyright (c) 1995
#   The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

The 'All rights reserved.' part means that you are not allowed to copy of
modiy it. Therefore it cannot be distributed at all, except by the
copyright owner.

You can still get it here:


Install with 'dpkg -i courtney_1.3-3.deb' after you downloaded it.

rd1936:  4:10pm  up 3 days, 5 min,  6 users,  load average: 1.58, 1.58, 1.63

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