I have a machine with a fresh install of Slink.  (This is *not* the same
machine in my previous message which has the bash weirdness under potato.)
I have been running the 2.2 kernel on a Red Hat v5.2 machine for the last
few months.  I want to do the same on the new Debian machine.

I looked on Debian's web page and found the 'gotchas' about running 2.2 on
Slink.  Unfortunately, the instructions seem a bit dated.  I guess they
were written before potato switched to glibc2.1.  dpkg now complains about
needing glibc2.1 when I tried to install the needed packages from potato.

Upgrading from 2.0.x to 2.2.x kernels only needs upgrading only of other
bits of software (i.e. modutils, procps, ipchains, etc.).  I have no
problem doing this manually.  My question is will I break Slink by going
this route?  If so, is there a more proper way?

Sorry if this is a FAQ, but the info on Debian page no longer seems
accurate.  Thanks for the help.

        bob billson       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       ham: kc2wz
   (\                                /)
  {|||8-   beekeeper ...3 years   -8|||}     Linux!  Because there is
   (/    60,000 head of livestock    \)              no place like $HOME.
"CIA terrorist NSA bomb spy KGB drugs nuclear agent war GCHQ... Hi Echelon!"

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