On Fri, 7 May 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

> > If X can detect that you don't have any valid modes, it obviously can make 
> > some decisions on what settings are valid for your card - so, why can't X 
> > just set the values for you?

 When X says "no valid modes", what it means is, "based on the information
about the card that you have given me and/or what I have been able to
gather, I can't continue." In the case that spawned this thread, the user
didn't tell X what dot clocks were supported by the card. X tried to find
out, but only found one at, I think, about 28.something. The video modes
specified all required dot clocks of 31.5 or more.

 In this case, there was nothing X could do. It couldn't detect faster
clocks, and the user didn't tell it about faster ones, so it did the only
safe thing and quit.

 Given a large enough monitor and card database, maybe something could be
done. Or if vendors supplied Linxu info files...


 Ray Ingles          (248) 377-7735          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      "If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... 
                        ...oh wait, he does."
                            - Nate Fox

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