*- On  7 May, Wayne Topa wrote about "Re: Help with apt"
> Or if you do apt-get upgrade  <shudder>
> Add the potato link to sources.list and then just do
> apt-get update ( to let apt & dselect know about the potato Package
> lists)  then apt-get install apt.
> Then I would comment out the potato entry in sources.list, lest I
> forget and do apt-get upgrade, and blow the whole thing out!
>> Of course, I can always just go download the deb and run dpkg on it, but is 
>> there a better way?
> Yes, as I said above.
> Dselect ? Do people 'still' use that?

Dselect is great for upgrading in small blocks.  Use it to put whole
sections on hold(=).  This is what I did during the hamm->slink
freeze period when X was going through rapid fire updates.  Also good
for isp's that have quotas on downloads/<period>.   

Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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