On Sun, 9 May 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> When comparing a cheap scanner (under $100) such as the Plustek 96xx
> series with a medium price scanner such as the so-called business-class HP
> 5200c, I can't tell what claims are due to the scanner hardware itself, or
> simply the bundled software. Obviously, the bundled software does a Linux
> user little good.

 The best place to ask Linux-related scanner questions is on
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]". They're the most likely to know...


 Ray Ingles         (248) 377-7735      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Modern deductive method: 1) Devise hypothesis. 2) Apply for grant.
  3) Perform experiments. 4) Revise hypothesis. 5) Backdate revised
                      hypothesis. 6) Publish.

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