
like I sayd a few days ago my X is going bananas. Now when i run it it
tell's me this :

Error Loading Keymap /var/tmp/server-o.xkm
couldn't load xkb keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap

What does this mean and how do i fix it. I'm running slink  since March
without any problems and now in the last few weeks the whole thing just
went crazy. I removed xlib6g (wicg removed nearly half of the packages
that i had installed) and after i re-installed it it was running. Then I
installed gnome from the staging area and wm, and now it no longer
works. Is this a gnome problem or what?

I could really appreciate your help thanks!

P.S - Any more details that you need please let me know!

        Mario Filipe 

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