*- On 11 May, bashir mudassar wrote about ".fvwm2rc problem"
> Hi,
>       I am having a little difficulty customizing my .fvwm2rc. The
> problem is the following:
>       I cannot seem to define the size or the geometry of my Fvwm
> window. The window I am talking about is the one that holds all the panels
> that represent the different desktops. You know the window in which I
> click on a particular panel to go to that desktop.
>       If you could tell me how to go about defining the size and
> location of this window when I start my window manager by logging in so
> that I don't have to place it manually at the corner of the screen each
> time I log in, I would greatly appreciate it. 

man FvwmPager

        *FvwmPagerGeometry geometry
              Completely or partially specifies the pager windows
              location and geometry, in  standard  X11  notation.
              In  order  to maintain an undistorted aspect ratio,
              you might want to leave out  either  the  width  or
              height dimension of the geometry specification

(put it in your .fvwm2rc file)
Mechanical Engineering                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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