Someone give me a clue please.

Weekly news says new rsync to fix security hole, linked to email which
says uploaded to UK.

Subject: Uploaded rsync 2.3.1-0.slink.1 (source i386) to uk

greycat:~# more /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable non-US
deb stable non-US 
deb stable main contrib non-free 
deb  stable main contrib non-free non-US 

I run dselect's update, which concludes with:

Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
Information about 2686 package(s) was updated.

When i go to select packages, however, 

Pri Section  Package      Inst.ver    Avail.ver  
Opt net      rsync        2.1.1-1     2.1.1-1  

Does this mean that only the source is available & i should compile it 
myself? Or am i doing something wrong with apt/dselect?

Thanks for the help,

judith bush

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