Subject: Re: printout being chopped off...
        Date: Wed, May 12, 1999 at 10:00:10AM -0700

In reply to:Sudhakar Chandrasekharan

Quoting Sudhakar Chandrasekharan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Wayne Topa proclaimed:
> > I had a similar problem with my Brother Laser Printer.  I finally
> > fixed it by using a2ps and changing the papersize in a2ps.cfg
> > ie Medium: Letter   607     780.  I just keep changing it until I got
> > everything printing on the paper, correctly.
> Could you give me more information?  How does a2ps work with apsfilter and
> gs?

Don't use apsfilter but I use it with everything else.  Netscape, gv,
etc.  I have a2ps defaulted to 2 pages/sheet.  That works nice in
Netscape (change print box Printer: from lpr to a2ps) and you can
print 2 pages in landscape, side by side or 2 pages one over the other
in Portrait mode.  I have a script that uses a2ps or enscript + psresize +
psselect + psnup to print files as 1/2/4 pages on one or both sides.
I do .ps and .pdf files from gv like that also. i haven't put that
into the script yet tho.

BTW altho I have a2ps defaulted to 2 pages per sheet if you want one
page (or 3 or 4), the command is a2ps -[1-4] overrides the default.
a2ps also handles files that have different extensions, ie gzip,gz,
bz2, bz and more.

I found a bug in the file in the a2ps.deb file supplied
with Slink.  I notified the maintainer but never heard from him and
don't know if the file has been updated or not.  I have Version
4.10.4-4 installed.  If anyone needs the updated file, I
will email it on request.  The bug shows up when you try to print a
gzipped file, it doesn't print.


Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

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