On Wed, 12 May 1999, Allen B. Riddell wrote:
> the ALT key (on my PC keyboard) doesn't seem to work in emacs.. It works in 
> netscape -- and aside from that, I have absolutely no problems at all with 
> anything...

Probably the "Windows" key (if you have one) is bound to the Meta keysym,
which is what Emacs is looking for; I don't think Emacs uses the Alt
keysym at all by default. If you don't have a Windows key, you need to
move Meta to some other key of your choice. (Many people have the physical
Alt key send both Alt and Meta keysyms, which is technically wrong but
works nice in practice, since few apps use both keysyms. However, XEmacs
insists on complaining about it every time you start up.)

That said, I'm not sure how to do this without Xmodmap. Perhaps it will
help to know what you're trying to achieve though. :-)


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