
If it is a cisco router you will see a RJ45 console port on the back of it.
 The 7000, 7500 series if I remember correctly will have a RS-232.  This is
actually a serial connection that runs a 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit, and no parity.  Cisco also supplies an adapter for the serial
connection between a terminal or pc and the RJ45.  While in console mode
you can telnet directly out to another host.  The command is:  telnet or telnet <hostname> if you have dns set up on the router.
By attaching the dumb terminal to the router's console port you will not
need to assign an IP address.

Kevin Lee
Vulcan Industries
(205) 640-2433


At 10:00 AM 5/13/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm creating a network in my home and have a dumb terminal I'm not sure
>hwo to network.  I want to make it able to login to the router I have and
>telnet out.  What would be best would be a straight telnet machine without
>logining into the router, but I don't think that is possible.  All it has
>on it is a serial port and no way to assign it an IP.  I'm guessing I can
>just make this another terminal screen on the router, but I'm not quite
>sure how to do this.  I should be able to connect the two serial ports
>together and tell the router to put a console to that com port, right?  Or
>any I way off?  How would I go about adding this dumb terminal to the
>network?  Any help would be preciated.  Thanks.
>                                                               Rob
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