>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andrew> (I apologize for the off-topic post but I know there are LaTeX
Andrew> users around and this is a bit of an emergency.)

Andrew> Help! I haven't used the seminar package for a year or so; now,
Andrew> when creating the slides for a class lecture tomorrow, suddenly
Andrew> all slides come out upside-down. This happens with using
Andrew> latex->dvips->ps2pdf or
latex-> dvipdf.  Using pdflatex generates non-landscape slides in a
Andrew> corner of the page.

Is the ps file upside down too?

Which viewer are you using?  All the pdf viewers that I know of will let
you rotate the page.  If you're using acrobat, you'll need a recent
version (not the one in Debian, which is no longer maintained and was
removed recently).  In Xpdf, you should be able to get a menu by
clicking the right button.  In gv, click on the Landscape button, and
either select "Seascape", or "Swap landscape".

Hubert Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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