Up until now I have been using a Redhat 5.2 system and haven't had
problems running PPP over a modem. I want to switch over to a Debian
system but I can't get PPP to run for some strange reason. Here's some
info. Hopefully someone can help.

 The Redhat system is using kernel 2.2.5 and pppd 2.3.5. Here's the
entries in my options file:


 The Debian system is a stock 2.0 system (I want to use PPP to upgrade
once it's working) with kernel 2.0.34 and pppd 2.3.5. I added the
defaultroute line to the options file (also tried without it) and
turned off auth on the command line. (Also tried with it.) What happens
when I try to connect? Using the debug option, my pppd is sending
LCP config requests but eventually times out. I KNOW ppp is running on
the remote end since I log in manually and it's the same place I connect
to using the Redhat system. Using the 'silent' option prevents the
timeout, but doesn't provide a solution.

 Anyone know offhand what is causing this problem or what I can do to
figure out what is the problem?


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