I installed these packages, and then ran XF86Setup. After that I ran startx, all I got was a checkered (very fine checks) screen..No menu bar, etc..Also, my mouse seems only to remain in row 1. What could be the problem.
Also, I did the installation for the latest version odf Debian as of December last year. So maybe, the version are incompatible.
Also, would you know if the latest Debian kernel come with ppp support? Cause when I installed it on another disk it and did pon (after configuring appropriately) it complained that ppp support was not enabled for the kernel.

Branden Robinson wrote:

You might appreciate the X reorganization that took place for slink, then
-- one of its advantages is the ability to strip X down a lot more than you
used to.

You'll need:

xserver-vga16 (only if you want to use the XF86Setup tool)
xf86setup (only if you want to use it)
xserver-<something> (probably xserver-svga, but this depends on the video card)
xfonts-scaled (maybe)
xterm (or some other X terminal emulator, like rxvt -- which is smaller)
twm (or some other window manager, like fvwm)

I think that should do it.  If I forgot something, apt should haul it in
for you.

If you decide to use XF86Setup, you can remove it and xserver-vga16 once
you have configured the X server.

This may look like a long list of packages, but the old X arrangement
required xbase, and xbase had a *lot* of stuff in it.

I do suggest, however, moving your entire /usr over to the new drive.
Debian does not support, for instance, /usr/bin on one disk partition and
/usr/X11R6 on another.  (It's an issue of symbolic links mandated in the
Policy Manual.)

G. Branden Robinson              |   "Why do we have to hide from the police,
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   Daddy?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   "Because we use vi, son.  They use
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |   emacs."


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Michelle Maria Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science

Phone: 1-317-278-2948      
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