>> "RM" == Richard Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> xterm -ls -geometry 80x24+0+63 &
>> xterm -ls -geometry 80x24+515+63 &
>> /usr/bin/X11/fvwm2 &
>> /usr/bin/panel

RM> I have a couple of questions concerning the .xsession script.
RM> Will calling gnome session load enlightenment, and whatever other
RM> programs I have loaded?

It will load the windowmanager defined in gnome-control-center, I

RM> also, what is the "&" for at the end of each line above?

"Execute in the background, don't wait until it finishes, go to next
instruction". As .xsession is a usual sh script, this is usual shell

RM> My .xsession looks something like this:

RM> /usr/local/bin/licq
RM> /usr/local/bin/gaim
RM> /usr/share/enlightenment/enlightenment
RM> exec gnome-session

Hmm. This should start licq, wait until it is closed, start gaim, wait
until it is closed, start E, wait until it is closed, start

If you use gnome-session, you are supposed to define these extra
applications in the gnome-control-center I believe.

RM> The first few times I have shut down and restarted, everything
RM> came back just as above, with the exception that gaim was not
RM> loading, but now, when I start xwindows, E loads, along with my
RM> gnome panel, and two (sometimes three) cases of licq

The joys of a session management :-) It's purpose is to recreate the
state as it was when you logged off. So if you start programms in
.xsession, they are started from there, but the session manager will
start another copy. Roughly. I don't understand it completely.

I don't use it gnome-session because of similar problems. Maybe there
is a way to make it work correctly, but I don't know it. Check the
gnome user manual at www.gnome.org.

RM> 1. Sometimes when I shut down and restart, my panel settings are
RM> saved, and still there, but sometimes they are not, and I have to
RM> re-do my panel setup.

Maybe a bug. Do you use the latest version 1.0.5 from the staging area?

RM> 3. I had the power go out during a storm a couple of days ago,
RM> while netscape was running, now everytime I start up, netscape is
RM> started as well.

Again the session manager? Well, as I said, I know nil about this.

RM> 4. what is the meaning of life? :>



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