>> "SZ" == Shao Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SZ> Some sites block the emails sent from an unqualified domain.  How
SZ> do I configure smail so that I can send the mail via a qualified
SZ> smtp, or as it looks like my domain is qualified.

First make sure you don't deliver mail directly to the destination,
but use your ISP's mailhost. This will save you some trouble.

If you have a smart_host entry in /etc/smail/routers, then this is set 
up this way, otherwise rerun smail-config.

Then, make sure masquerade your host on smtp handshaking. In
/etc/smail/config you should use 


or such some.

You may also want to rewrite your Sender: header if it contains an
internal hostname (can't check this, I read the list through a
local mail2news gateway). See http://www.debian.org/fom/137.html

If hostname --fqdn doesn't show a hostname in the form of host.net for 
your box, then you should fix this as well. Refer to this list about


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