On 15-May-99 Martin Bialasinski wrote:
>>> "P" == Pollywog  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> P> software with dselect, it tries to upgrade my custom kernel to the
> P> default 2.2.5 kernel (my custom kernel is also 2.2.5).
> How did you build it? When you use kernel-package, you can use a
> revision number that is higher than any that could possible be in the
> archive (well on reasonable grounds), so dselect and apt won't
> recognise the official one as a newer version.

I was wondering if I could do that, and avoid this problem without having to
download a newer kernel.
> Either set the kernel-image package on hold ( "=" in dselect), or
> recompile you cuszom kernel with somthing like
> make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel-image

thanks, I was unsure if I could just put the kernel package on hold.


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