On Sat, May 15, 1999 at 06:26:02PM -0500, Michelle Maria Coelho wrote:
> Thank you for the prompt replies.
> I'll try what you said and I think it will work. I decided to split the
> swap among the disks because the Howto on Partitonioning a Hard Disk
> suggested this.
> I guess since I'll be the only user, I needn't have a /home partition.

Mmmhh you mean you'll work as root for all the time? It's not a Good Thing.
You should log in as an user in order to avoid unwanted disasters to
happen. IMHO you need a /home directory.

> Are  any other partitions besides / and /usr needed in my situation?

/var usually tends to grow but I think it's not your case. The suggested
partitioning schemes in the last replies will do the job.


Ilario Nardinocchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Computer Science Adept since 1982
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Know-nothing-bozo rule:
The views expressed above are entirely mine and do not represent the views,
policy or understanding of any other person or official body.

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