On Sun, 16 May 1999, Kent (ktb) wrote on behalf of Horacio:

> > but how can I make it ran as a normal command (without "./").

> I place my Perl scripts in /usr/local/bin.  I would think that would
> work for you.  I can't help you with the next one:(
> hth,
> kent


If you put the script in /usr/local/bin and that directory is in
your path, as Kent says, you will be able to run the scripts there
by typeing the command name.  That directory is in my default
directory, and should be in yours.

If you want to run a script that resides in your home directory,
you probably should just type ./script_name to run it, since there
is no . (refers to current, i.e. working, directory)  in the
default path. This has to do with safety from executing trojan

If you insist on running stuff from your current directory,
without the ./, then add  .  to your path by placing this line
in your .profile, or .bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:.

If you run tcsh or other shell, someone else will have to help.

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                 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
                 (Hope this qualifies.)

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