On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 07:25:23PM -0500, Justin Hagemeier wrote:
> > Well I sort of do this already I have a laptop that has the Potato distro 
> > on it, I use both ethernet and ppp,
> > I am using the DHCP client in potato and it works great; if there is no 
> > ethernet connection, then no IP is assigned
> > to the eth0 interface, essentially no route. I just use PPP normal.
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> How do you get over the problem with dhcp(potato) hanging when there is no 
> net connection?  
I don't it does not hang on my system, it does try to configure it's self, but 
does not hang.

>dhcpcd just sits there if it cannot find one. (or at least I have never been 
>patient enough to wait it out, I give it about 30 s> and give up) just 
>installing both would be great for now if that worked.

At least on my system it does work, kinda cludgy but it works. You can always 
take the card out.

> Although, I would like a scheme where it starts the right daemon because it 
> could potentially less time and memory than starting both.  Jens you are 
> right about error trapping kernel message would be brain dead.  However 
> ifconfig STDOUT does give you how many packets are received, if you sent 1 
> and did not receive any in reply the
> you have a smarter way of knowing whether or not you have a live line.  You 
> could use regex to parse that ifconfig STDOUT in the script.  I am reaching 
> here.:-)

I think, that the DHCP, should time out, after a arbitrary amount of 
configuration requests, like 100 or so. 
A more elegant solution must be out there; I know that 95/98/NT have this 
problem also, so it's not easy.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> haggs
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