Pere Camps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi!
>       I've just installed innd and besides the tipical allowing of
> access for some hosts that I guess it must exists, are there any other
> security considerations I should follow?

Well this is not easily answered, to be more exact a complete answer
is worth writing a book at least 1 inch thick (--- which I am not able
to do because I am not wise enough :-).

If you are interested in security flaws in inn I would suggest reading
the changelog, bugtraq and other sources for security information.

If you are interested in having a secure configuration of innd I
suggest doing the usual RTFM and looking at the inn website if one exists. 
Start with a minimal configuration and only allow the necessary

Have a look at the Lasg (Linux Administrators Security Guide --- see

Remove the network cable from your computer.




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