Extract from the text below (John Foster's comment):

>I ran into the same problem except I got the main configuration console
>screen but it does not work properly. I tried to make the selections for
>my system and the buttons did not indicate which ones were selected. I
>went thru the motions and when I hit the apply key for thekeyboard
>selection, it crashed and I got a segmentation fault message.

I had the same problem when I upgraded to the new XFree86-package!
However, the segmentation fault has now disappeared!? Why?

I think the problem disappeared after I rebooted the machine, or maybe the
problems disappeared after I installed glibc2.1. I can't remember. But, now
it works fine!


seems to disappear after that I rebooted the machine
At 19:13 1999-05-27 -0500, you wrote:
>Sean wrote:
>> I just upgraded to potato the other day, and have been pretty impressed
>> so far.  The only hang-up I've had that I haven't a clue as to what's
>> causing it or as to how to fix it is with XF86Setup.  Whenever I run it,
>> it cranks the screen where it asks me if I want to use the defaults, and
>> I say no, and then it says the little blurb about switching to video
>> mode might take a while.  I then get the hatchmark-screen where the
>> mouse cursor is a big X, and for a second the setup screen flashes, and
>> then it goes away, leaving only the hatchmark screen.
>> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace takes me back to the command line, where the comment
>> "Segmentation Fault" always awaits me.  This isn't a super big deal for
>> me personally as X is still functioning perfectly well with the config
>> file that was left over from Slink, but I was wondering if anyone else
>> was having this problem and/or if there was a fix.
>> Sean
>I ran into the same problem except I got the main configuration console
>screen but it does not work properly. I tried to make the selections for
>my system and the buttons did not indicate which ones were selected. I
>went thru the motions and when I hit the apply key for thekeyboard
>selection, it crashed and I got a segmentation fault message.
>I tried skipping this step, relying on the defaults and I got farther
>along but when I selected done I got the same cross hatch screen and the
>server locked up. I had to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace out of it. First time I
>did that in 2 years. Good news is the leftover Slink configs seem OK and
>Potato is running pretty smooth so far. Gnome and Enlightenment seem to
>have come a long way.
>John Foster
>AdVance-Computing Systems
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