The answer to this is interesting and should be in the docs somewhere,
but I sure couldn't find it.

Emacs DOES NOT seem to care about KEYSYMs at all.  It is only interested
in the Modifiers.

As far as emacs is concerned  MOD1 = META and MOD4 = ALT
You can (using xmodmap) have MOD1 and MOD4 generated by whatever keysym
you want (Alt_L, Meta_R, underscore....).

MOD1 was generated by Alt_R, MOD4 wasn't generated at all.

I hope this is of use to future generations :)


P.S.  Thanks for the help, Jens.

On Fri, 28 May 1999, Michael Stenner wrote:

>emacs seems to want to interpret ALT as META and ignore META altogether.
>I found no mention of this in the emacs docs.  I'm pretty convinced that
>it's an emacs issue:  I've used xev to confirm that it's getting the
>appropriate keysyms, so when I say it interprets ALT as META, what I
>mean is:  It gets the ALT keysym, but behaves as if I pushed META. 
>Keysyms                                emacs behavior
>ALT-x                          M-x
>META-x                         x
>I've used xmodmap to change the keysyms that are sent, but that doesn't
>change the way emacs interprets them.  (Does emacs truly look at keysyms
>or does it use keycodes?)
>I've also followed the advice from a thread (included below) that
>heppened a while back, to no avail.
>suggestions are welcome :)
>                                       -Michael
>                          Re: Emacs and the ALT key.
>     _________________________________________________________________
>     * To: Havoc Pennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     * Subject: Re: Emacs and the ALT key.
>     * From: "Jens B. Jorgensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     * Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 10:04:27 -0500
>     * CC: "Allen B. Riddell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>     * Organization: Business Data Services, Inc.
>     * References:
>     _________________________________________________________________
>I posted a lengthy description of how to deal with this back in August
>(the problem was introduced with hamm). I'll repost the content here:
>This problem has come up so many times since hamm started getting used
>that it almost merits its own HOWTO. What's happened is that you've
>upgraded X and now you are using the XKEYBOARD extension. As you've
>noticed, the ALT key now does ALT and the "windows" key is now the
>META key. I've argued several times that this is a bug since it
>changes behavior. Alas no one listens to this raving madman. Where's
>whatcha do (as root):
>sed -e 's/Alt_L/Foo_L/' -e 's/Alt_R/Foo_R/' <\
>/usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us |\
>sed -e 's/Meta_L/Alt_L/' -e 's/Meta_R/Alt_R/' |\
>sed -e 's/Foo_L/Meta_L/' -e 's/Foo_R/Meta_R/' >\
>mv /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us.old
>mv /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/ /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us
>(Now restart X and Things should work normally.
>Michael Symalla wrote:
>> Dear Debian users,
>> can anyone help me to let my Alt-key be the metakey in emacs? Now I am
>> using the ESC key, which works fine but is not as comfortable as the
>> ALT
>> key.
>> Thanks a lot.
>> --
>> Bye
>>      Mitch
>Havoc Pennington wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 May 1999, Allen B. Riddell wrote:
>> >
>> > the ALT key (on my PC keyboard) doesn't seem to work in emacs.. It
>> > works in
>> > netscape -- and aside from that, I have absolutely no problems at
>> > all with
>> > anything...
>> >
>> Probably the "Windows" key (if you have one) is bound to the Meta
>> keysym,
>> which is what Emacs is looking for; I don't think Emacs uses the Alt
>> keysym at all by default. If you don't have a Windows key, you need to
>> move Meta to some other key of your choice. (Many people have the
>> physical
>> Alt key send both Alt and Meta keysyms, which is technically wrong but
>> works nice in practice, since few apps use both keysyms. However,
>> XEmacs
>> insists on complaining about it every time you start up.)
>> That said, I'm not sure how to do this without Xmodmap. Perhaps it
>> will
>> help to know what you're trying to achieve though. :-)
>> Havoc
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  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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