
Rene Mayrhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to upload my PGP public key on a
> public key server. The PGP 5 documentation found
> under /usr/doc/pgp5i/README claims that PGP5 can
> interact with key servers, but it does not say how
> to do this.
> Has anybody done this already ?

Rene, I'm using PGP 2.x.  But you can extract your
public key in ASCII format, and send it by email to
the PGP server.  Put in the Subject line "ADD".

Hope it helps.

Daniel González Gasull       ("`-/")_.-'"``-._       "The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          . . `; -._    )-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69    (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
                            _.- _..-_/ / ((.'    fL  moral crisis, preserved
                          ((,.-'   ((,/              their neutrality."
                                                     -- Dante
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