
Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyone knows where to get info or a howto for
> procmail? I am specially interested in the
> organization for incoming mail into separate
> folders since Netscape filters wont work right for
> me and I have tried everything to make them work
> right!

There is a very cool filtering-faq at
ftp://rtfm.mit.edu.  I think it's at
ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/comp.procmail .

I think you can search it at http://rtfm.mit.edu .

I hope it helps.

Daniel González Gasull       ("`-/")_.-'"``-._       "The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          . . `; -._    )-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69    (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
                            _.- _..-_/ / ((.'    fL  moral crisis, preserved
                          ((,.-'   ((,/              their neutrality."
                                                     -- Dante
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