On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

>         When people are trying to write drivers for stuff that isnt already
> supported under linux, how exactly do they go about doing it?

 They first get the book, "Linux Device Drivers" by Alessandro Rubini,
from O'Reilly. :->

>         I mean, if I want to, say, make a program to grab pictures from my
> unsupported digital camera. Could I get some program to 'filter' the serial
> port or whatever in winblows to see what control codes the software uses to
> control the camera and then try to re-implement such a system under 
> linux?

 First, contact the company that made it and see if they'll give you some
specs and programming info. If so, great. If not, try contacting someone
else in the company. Let them know you'll sign an NDA so long as you can
freely release the resulting source code.

 If that doesn't work, you'll have to reverse-engineer. If the software
will run under Wine, you should be able to tweak Wine to capture all the
data going back and forth. I'm afraid I don't know of a Windows program to
do that.

 Since you're working on a digital camera, take a look at the SANE project
for some starter source code: "http://www.mostang.com/sane/";.


 Ray Ingles           (248) 377-7735         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
                          -- Philip K. Dick

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