On Sat, 5 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1.  Some programs take up more than the screen, and I can't see all of the 
> program.  How can I fix this?  I've gone through XF86config and XF86setup, 
> using 800x600, and saying I didn't want virtual desktops.  

It depends on the window manager - most have some way to get the resize
decorations on the screen, and then you can resize the window.

Basically these are application bugs though, and you should file a bug
report if there isn't one already.

> 2.  My GNOME Panel seems to be missing.  Reading through the documentation, I 
> noticed that the panel on it was much different than mine.  I don't have the 
> foot for my main button, instead I have a little debian button.  Nor do I 
> have the pager.  Did I miss something in my install?

Sounds a bit like you're seeing the icewm panel, not the Gnome panel. Try
running panel by hand from an xterm, and see if you get something

When using icewm with Gnome, many people like to turn off icewm's panel.
I think the icewm docs in /usr/doc/icewm may tell you how to do this;
there might be an icewm configuration program too.

> 3.  I currently have 3 window managers installed:  Enlightenment, Ice WM, and 
> WM.  Yet when I use the GNOME Control Panel, I can't seem to switch between 
> them.  It always says Enlightenment is my current window manager, and I don't 
> know how to switch to another...i've tried everything in the Control Panel.  
> Are there files that I need to edit to change this?  If so, what are they?

Are you using gnome-session to start Gnome? If not, the window manager
control panel won't be able to change your window manager, instead you'll
need to edit ~/.xsession by hand.


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