> I downloaded the /main directory from the stable area on the
> Debian.org FTP site and burned that to a CD, less the devel section.
> (This and the disks directory almost fill one CD.)

This is almost always not necessary; you can download the essentail
files from disks-<yourarchitecture> and then have APT do the
downloading (I assume that if you have the time or bandwidth to
download this much before installing then you have enough to do it
during :-)

> 6 hours later the install bombed with an error code 1. Any ideas?

This is usually an setup *script* from a specific pacakge that's
causing trouble; in most cases once you can eliminate the problem with
package X everything else can configure itself fine. However, to get
any help you'll have to post the actual errors - what script is
causing this problem and what the command with the 'red flag' exit
status is. From there someone should be able to figure it out.

"Men argue; nature acts." -- Voltaire

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