On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 10:07:59PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It seems that RedHat might be able to support sound w/out recompiling if
> they included a OSS license in their packaged distro. Which wouldn't
> supprise me... considering the ammount of deals they're cutting, OSS would
> be pretty basic.

Linux 2.2 has modular sound like Red Hat has had for a while. If we had
a sound configuration utility, we wouldn't need to recompile either.

ALSA (the OSS-replacement) has a nice configuration utility and has been
modular since day one (even more so that OSS is now).

The thing I dislike most about OSS is the licensing. Sure, it's GPL, 
but we get features from the commercial version whenever 4FrontTech feels
like it. OSS/Commercial has been modular for ages; somebody else (Alan Cox)
had to modularise the free one for it to be in OSS/Lite.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

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