>Hmmm, I got my discs from cheapbytes and they boot >fine. In fact all
>my cheapbytes discs boot okay. Actually that's a bit >misleading since
>only have three sets ;)
Cheap bytes had got a bad rap when they blew the dependancies and
simlinks on debian 2.0 and included a bad upgrad script.  (even then
the cd's were not REALLY broken, I did an install from scratch with
them and it worked fine).  There is nothing wrong with the current
debian 2.1 from cheap bytes (other than no non-free this time).

Installing from the net can be real hard for newbies.  There is a
catch-22 here, you have to have enough of a system up to access the net
(means seting up PPP and a dial up connection to your ISP or getting
DHCP /ethernet going if you have a hard-wired connection).  This can
involve as many as 10 floppies full of stuff.  To get this you need
another computer already setup with a net connection running 'nix or
windows.  If you only have the one computer then you might as well
start off with the CD set (or get a friend to download you the floppies
... two or three sets of 'em just in case of Murphy's law).  

Of course once you HAVE your system up and running and on the net
upgrades via the net are easy(ier).  I havn't tried to upgrade (other
than manually, one package at a time) via the net, if I had a second
phone line or a BroadBand hardwired connection maybe I would not be
chicken to try......(not the lack of speed, but not being able to tie
up my phone for hours on end) :-<

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