On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 12:32:50PM +0200, Thorsten Manegold wrote:
> Hi!
> Has anybody HylaFAX working?.

I've been using it for a few years without any problems (I never could
get efax to work).

> I use slink and HylaFAX just spools the files to fax but does not 
> start to fax at all.

Just a thought, but:

Have you installed both hylafax-server and hylafax-client?

Did you run faxaddmodem?

What does faxstat indicate?

> I assume, that the problem is in the stage where it converts the PS 
> files to fax/tiff files.
> How can I verify this?
> Also what ownerships to the files in /var/spool/fax have to have? In 
> SuSE (there it is working) they have uucp.uucp.

On my system (potato) it is root.fax.

> I looked at the log files, but can't find an error-message.
> Thorsten
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