On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, Dan Willard wrote:

>  I've apparently hosed smail.  Mail still comes in, but doesn't get put into
> my mailbox, it just sits in /var/spool/smail/input.  I must have killed it
> while getting a Wascom tablet to work last weekend, played with libs.  Can
> anyone point me in the right direction? Should I just kill smail and use a
> different mta? I've reinstalled it with no luck, found my old smail config
> files and set them up.

Are you running 'potato'? I am, and I have the same problem. I think the
problem is the combination of smail and glibc 2.1.

On my system, the user 'mail' has a crontab[1] that runs the 'runq'
command every twenty minutes. This command will deliver all e-mail that
was left in the spool directory.

This not the real solution to the problem, of course. But until the
problem is solved, it works for me.

Installing another MTA would also be a solution to your problem, of
course. The Debian distribution includes several MTAs.


[1] run 'crontab -e -u mail' as root to edit it
rd1936:  9:25pm  up  7:07,  8 users,  load average: 1.37, 1.31, 1.26

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