On Thu, Jun 10, 1999 at 11:58:55PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> I want to thank everyone who replied. I'm sorry it took so long to get
> back to this, but tonight is the first night that I've been able to play
> :)
> I've consulted the Sound-HOWTO, the SoundBlaster-HOWTO, the
> Kernel-HOWTO, and various emails from the arhives and Dejanews. Yet I
> still have no sound. I don't know what my problem is. One problem I'm
> having is with the HOWTOs. Some are old and list kernel options that
> aren't available/are different in the 2.2.9 kernel. So I'm not sure what
> and where I'm screwing up.

You need to read two documents :


in the Documentation/Sound/ folder of the kernel documentation or sources.

> So I'll try to list what I've done and hopefully someone can spot where
> I went wrong.
> I've made some progress. I've been able to get my isapnp.conf file to
> yield no errors. However, none of the options matched what I wrote down
> from my windows sound settings, so I changed them to reflect them.
> Isapnp runs without bombing though, so I'm assuming that what I did was
> okay.

Having ISAPnP correctly set up is very important. Nothing will work if it is
not the case. But you don't need to have the same parameters in Windows and
Linux (except maybe if you boot with loadlin).

> I then installed the awe-drv and awe-midi packages.
> After that, I configured my kernel and made the following selections
> under sound:
> (I think that's it. I pulled these from my .config)
> After installing the new kernel and rebooting I ran modprobe -a sound,
> that does nothing. Also there is no sound entry under /proc/devices. cat
> /dev/sndstat yields nothing also.
> Any ideas?

You need to configure the modules with the right parameters (the io
addresses, irq, dma, etc. you've set up in ISA-PnP).

Use modconf to set up the modules with the right parameters.

(io, irq, dma, dma16, mpu_io for the sb module -- io for the adlib_card

Hope it helps.

Best Regards.


-- Jean-Philippe Guérard ---------------------------------------------
|                                                                    |
|  « Et avec la nuit, vint la lumière. » -- Légendes de Yarth        |

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