> Hi  friends


> I'm a beginner in the Linux World and as my first step I have installed
> Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.1 in a PC 486
> / 100 MHz  through the floppy drive. My PC lacks of CD-ROM or network
> connection.

Why 1.3? You could get 2.0

> $  I don't know how to use the dselect command , because when I execute
> it , it asks me for a "package" file ,
> which should be in the hard disk. How can I find those package files in
> the Linux CD ?

Try changing the access method....thats the only thing I can think of.
When you do, it will ask you for package files. I was installing my system
from HD, so I never had it either. dselect worked without me giving it the
path to it.

> $ How do  I use the "mount" command ? I want to mount the floppy drive
> as a directory .

Make a directory , say /floppy
Then try mount /dev/fd0 /floppy

The better suggestion is for you to get mtools. It's a great little
package that does floppy work.

> $ The "man" command doesn't work . Is that an installation problem ?
> What did I do wrong?

Man is a separate package, not included in the base installation.
Download it, and if you can, install it. You are going to have a hard time
installing most of software through the floppy.....I'd suggest you get a
modem...even 28.8 will do fine. I've downloaded most of packages in the
system I have now, over 33.6 modem.


 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 UIN 12402354                      
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   <--Little things for Linux.
 http://www.missouri.edu/~c680789  <--"Computer languages of the world"
                                       My work in progress.

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