"Chad A. Adlawan" wrote:
> hello everyone !
>   i have ssltelnet installed/running on my box ...  it works by: (shamelessly 
> copied from /non-US/binary-i386/Packages)
>   It interoperates with normal telnet(d) in both directions.
>   It checks if the other side is also talking SSL, if not it falls back
>   to normal telnet protocol.
>   so how do I dissable this feature ?  i want my telnetd to accept 
> connections only if the other side is also talking ssl and deny it if its not.

I guess I'd read some dox on it and see if there's a switch it accepts that you
can put in /etc/ssltelnet or some such, and if not, prolly you have to hack the
code to disable the fallback.

I have no clue how to hack that code, so your mileage may vary.


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