John Gay wrote:

> Thanks for the info, but I think you over looked a few items.
> The reason I want to upgrade to potato is, I installed x11amp, which required
> newer libs than slink uses. This has broken apt. I've seen this problem
> mentioned before and the recommended fix was to upgrade to potato. Also, my

did you get x11amp from potato? If so it probably requires glibc2.1 libraries, 
available in potato.

If there is not an x11amp package in slink, then a solution would be to 
download the
(debianised) source and compile it. Almost all of the debian sources (in my
experience) seem to compile straight away, with no problems. This way the 
would only require whatever version of the libraries you have in your system 
2.0 in slink, unless you have inadvertently upgraded your libraries to glibc2.1 
you got x11amp).

> video card requires the mach64 server for X11R6 which is part of 
> potato,
> slink uses My system is currently working with X3.3.2.3 with the 
> mach64
> server for, I'm not sure if this is such a good idea, but it works for

I understand this to be a perfectly acceptable configuration. I have done a 
thing myself for a while (until 2.1 came out, when I stopped being a hamm/potato
system and moved to slink, although I have since gone back to using some potato

If you have to use the potato mach64 packages, they probably require glibc2.1, 
so you
could recompile them as well. (big download though ;-)
Apparently netscape has some problems with glibc2.1, although I am having no 
crashes than I did with glibc2.0.

> me for the moment. Due to personal problems, I have to fly to the States this
> weekend. I'll be gone for 3 weeks. I think I'll just wait till I get back, 
> then
> pack up my system and cart it down to the local ILUG and have some experts 
> help

whats the I stand for?

> me set the rest of it up. So, hopefully, by next month I'll have my system up
> and running and on the net. I'll then be able to work on other probs a lot
> easier, as I'll then have E-Mail at home! Thanks again for all the assistance.
> Cheers,
>      John Gay
> --
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