On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Joel Keating wrote:

> I have a del xps R400 system that has onboard crystal sound system.
> I have not sucessfully installed a driver that works with my sound
> card.   Does anyone have   any success with the sound system and any
> kernel?  Thanks for any help.

I'm using a crystal in my AST system. I've had some problems getting it to
work, but at least kernel 2.2.9 gives me a stable sound system. In the
past I've had problems with DMA timeouts, but 2.2.9 seems to be free
ofthose. You'll probably have to use isapnp to activate the sound system
though, before you load the drivers. So get the kernel sources, configure
them for Crystal sound as a module.
Then, configure isapnp through pnpdump (man isapnp). Run isapnp, then load
the kernel module as follows:
modprobe cs4232 io=0x354 irq=5 dma1=0 dma2=1 (for a pretty standard

Ofcourse, you'll have put the values you find with pnpdump. All in all,
it's a pretty tough job to get it working, so If you encounter any
specific problems, mail me.


:: Nico Galoppo ::  Linux - Free power for the masses  :  ::  :::::.
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