I'm having trouble with fetchmail and exim.
exim freezes all the mail fetchmail delivers, claiming

1999-06-28 16:19:19 10yUlD-0005m0-00 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] H=localhost [127.0.
0.1] U=hamish P=esmtp S=1112 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1999-06-28 16:19:19 10yUlD-0005m0-00 remote host address for localhost.rising.co
m.au is the local host

I put "relay_domains = localhost" in exim.conf to get this far, otherwise
exim would refuse the mail entirely. Any thoughts?

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

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