On Wed, Jun 30, 1999 at 08:02:57AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>[snip exim config changes that I know nothing about]

> But now I have a problem with mutt.  When ever I try to send a message from 
> within mutt, I get:
> 'Error sending message, child exited 127 ().'
> And the message is not sent.
> So I went and looked in /etc/Muttrc and fooled with the 'set sendmail' line, 
> but that didn't do me 
> any good.  
> Does anyone no how to get mutt to work with exim again?
> TIA,
> Bill Van Devender

I had the same problem with that upgrade. Somebody else posted a solution to
the mutt problem that I'll reiterate here.

Mutt is looking for a sendmail binary in /usr/bin but can't find it. Quick
and dirty solution is to make a symlink
ln -s /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/bin/sendmail
which should fix it.

Dunno how to properly fix it though.


Dan Everton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "Have you tried thinking like a shower?"
www.psynet.net/fada                  | KBHR's Chris in the Morning

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