I've got basically the same situation, except I live in Memphis and
use the Time Warner Roadrunner system. 

First of all, to send outgoing mail with exim, select the "smarthost"
configuration, and enter [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s outgoing SMTP server as the
smarthost. Also, make sure that you enter 'localhost' as one of the
local domains. The only scary part here is the "From:" address.
I probably didn't do it "The right way", but I just added
this to my .muttrc file (you are using mutt as your mail reader,
aren't you? :-):
my_hdr From: Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

Secondly, you need to setup a .fetchmailrc file for fetchmail.
Fetchmail is the preferred way to get email from your POP3 account
to your mail files in ~/Mail (or wherever). Fetchmail delivers mail
to the user who runs it, so don't worry about mwagnon1 vs mwagnon;
it doesn't matter. Here's my .fetchmailrc
poll pop-server protocol POP3:
        user smpitts
        password *****

Where pop-server is the Roadrunner POP3 server and everything else
is self-explanatory. The first time you check email, use
"fetchmail -v" to watch fetchmail and make sure it runs right.
When you are confident, then use "fetchmail -d 600" to poll
every ten minutes.

Thirdly, You need to sort your emails. Exim comes with
a builtin sorting mechanism. Here are some rules from
my .forward file for the debian lists:
-- begin .forward
# Exim filter <-- do not remove or modify this line!
if error_message then finish endif
if $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-user"
then save $home/mail/debian-user
elif $h_Resent-From: contains "debian-devel"
then save $home/mail/debian-devel

-- end .forward

That's really about it. I would suggest starting
out with mutt by copying /etc/Muttrc to ~/.muttrc and
editing it from there. If you have any other questions,
feel free to ask.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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