I'm using smbmount-2.1.x (from smbfsx 2.0.3-1) in a slink system
with kernel 2.2.9 and some potato stuff.  (smbfs is compiled as a module,
and CONFIG_SMB_WIN95 is not set.)  I use it to mount shares from our NT
domain, which generally works fine.  However, I have a couple of problems:

1. Sometimes the "connection" gets dropped, so the mount point appears
   empty, the connection is still present according to df but cannot be
   unmounted.  Re-mounting works but gives a duplicate entry in df
   output.  A smbumount after this remounting removes all entries
   relating to that connection.

2. Very occasionally (like yesterday) the "connection" goes bad.  It no
   longer appears in df output and if I try to look at or move the mount
   point I get a message like "ls: L: Input/output error" (where L is the
   mount point).  I have not figured out a way to correct this problem
   without rebooting, which should only be for new hardware or kernel

Anyone else have these problems?  Any solutions or pointers, especially
regarding the second problem, greatly appreciated.


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