On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 02:03:16AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I upgraded to xmms and I'd like to go back to x11amp.
> xmms uses about 30% of my 233cyrix's cycles.  I don't
> think x11amp used more than a couple percent.

One of the bugs in x11amp was that it used to mask the CPU usage of the
decoding thread giving the impression that it was using less time that it
actually was. This bug was fixed in later versions of x11amp (0.9?) and is
definitely fixed in xmms. So it may not actually be performing worse.

> Is there a deb of x11amp around still somewhere?
> I can't find it in the archive.

If you can find a really out of date mirror (like a month or so) you might
have some luck.


Dan Everton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | "Have you tried thinking like a shower?"
www.psynet.net/fada                  | KBHR's Chris in the Morning

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