On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 05:14:35PM +0200, P. van Tilburg wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am sometime on this list now, and I have some questions.
> 1) I use mutt to read the debian-user-digest. It lists all attachments
>    nicely in one mail. But how do I reply to a message. I can go in the 
>    attachment-list and save the mail I want to reply to, but that isn't 
>    very handy either ;)

No ideas there.

> 2) I know nothing about PGP, but I want to try it and installed pgp5i from
>    potato. As earlier mentioned on the list, pgp5.0 is composed of seperate
>    programs:
> source(/2):~$ dpkg -L pgp5i
> /usr/bin
> /usr/bin/pgp5
> /usr/bin/pgpe
> /usr/bin/pgps
> /usr/bin/pgpv
> /usr/bin/pgpk


> ** I added to /etc/Muttrc:
> set pgp_v5="/usr/bin/pgp5"

don't do that. use: set pgp_v5="/usr/bin/pgp"
I know, I know, /usr/bin/pgp doesn't exist.  Don't worry.  It should
never run /usr/bin/pgp.  It will only run pgpe, pgps, pgpv, and pgpk
(actually, not pgpk).  If you tell it pgp5, it will look for pgp5e,
pgp5s, etc. and they do not exist.

> set pgp_v5_language="mutt"
> set pgp_v5_pubring="~/.pgp/pubring.pkr"
> set pgp_v5_secring="~/.pgp/sekring.pkr"


> ** But I still get the following message from mutt while reading:
> [-- PGP output follows (current time: Wed Jul  7 16:55:09 1999) --]
> sh: /usr/bin/pgp: No such file or directory
> [-- End of PGP output --]
> [-- The following data is PGP/MIME signed --]
> ** So I symlinked  /usr/bin/pgp5 to /usr/bin/pgp, but then I get:

you correctly determined that it's looking for /usr/bin/pgp, but I
suspect that it is looking for version 2.  Try adding this to your
set pgp_default_version="pgp5"

(and remove your symlink)

> [-- PGP output follows (current time: Wed Jul  7 16:55:09 1999) --]
> PGP is now invoked from different executables for different operations:
> pgpe    Encrypt (including Encrypt/Sign)
> pgps    Sign
> pgpv    Verify/Decrypt
> pgpk    Key management
> pgpo    PGP 2.6.2 command-line simulator (not yet implemented)
> See each application's respective man page or the general PGP documentation
> for more information.
> [-- End of PGP output --]

This confirms my guess.  If it thought it were running pgp5, it
wouldn't be trying to run pgp without and "e", "s", "v", or "k" on the

> Sorry for the loads of output!

Loads of output is good!!!  This is the kind of message we LIKE here.

> Thanks in advance for your help,

No problem.
  Michael Stenner                       Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

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