Op zo 12-01-2003, om 03:25 schreef Benedict Verheyen:
> Hello,
> i have a problem accessing my windows drive as a normal user.
> My mp3 collection is stored there and i want some sound in linux :)
> This is the relevant entry from my fstab file. The drive is fat32
> and i want to make it accessible for my user:
> /dev/hda5 /mnt/windata  vfat   defaults,gid=windows,umask=007  0 0
> I want to grant every user access to the drive by making them member
> of the group windows.
> When i do groups benedict as benedict, it doesn't show me as member of
> the group windows. When i issue the same command as root, it shows that
> i'm member of the group windows.
> Why is there this difference?
> The group file shows me correctly that i'm member of the group.
> However, after i mount the drive (as root) and then go back to user
> benedict,and try to access it as benedict i get "access denied"
> A "ls -la" reveals this:
>  drwxrwx---   12 root windows  8192   1970-01-01 01:00  windata
> So users of the group windows should be able to access the windata
> partition.
> What am i doing wrong?
> If i set this in my fstab it works but then everything is owned by
> benedict instead of root and that is something that i do not want
> to allow.
>   /dev/hda5 /mnt/windata  vfat  
> defaults,user,uid=benedict,gid=windows,umask=007  0 0
> Any help is appreciated.
> Benedict

After a reboot it worked. So it was the groups thingy that prevented
me from accessing the drive. I have no clue however to why i had to
reboot to get the groups command reflect the correct situation.

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