IMHO Texinfo and info is not so bad. I use emacs but read the info files
through the program <info>. The main advantage is that anyone can produce
very cool printouts, and no need for an overfancy web browser.

Installing Linux can be a very big challenge, but I do not want to
overstate it. My very first Debian install was bo, all in 3 hours. (No
net, no X, all dev stuff.) It went nice. My second install was hamm for a
friend, it was about 4-5 hours because he had some tricky hw gadgets. (No
net, X, important development stuff.) Most recently (last december) I
installed hamm for myself. It lasted for 5 hours, because I made some
wrong decision concerning hw settings. Though I must admit, I had 5 years
of user experience with IBM AIX.

Gabor Urban --- Lufthansa Systems Hungaria KfT 
mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel : (36)-1-431-2949 Fax :(36)-1-431-2977
I am not a cat to play with the mouse.

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