On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Adam Shand wrote:

>> >i was trying to find a pattern among the info people posted but couldn't
>> >really see one.  did anyone else figure this out?
>> It's the glibc from unstable.
>but i thought there were several posts from people claiming that "it worked
>just fine for them" and they were using glibc 2.1?

I didn't follow this list lately, so I'm probably not up to date.

However, this is the last explanation I remember and corresponds to my
experience too.  Right after moving to glibc 2.1, netscape started
giving me those bus errors. I'm not running an all potato system, just
slink with some unstable stuff thrown in and glibc seems to be the
only relevant part in my case, but I may be overlooking something.

This is a *royal* PITA. If you find out more, please post it.

Philip Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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